gtag('config', 'UA-180278623-1'); İNGİLİZCE GÜNLÜK ÖRNEKLERİ 1; YESTERDAY WAS THURSDAY: - Bilginiz Dahilinde

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Merhaba arkadaşlar, İngilizce günlük örnekleri olarak ilk yazım ile karşınızdayım. Bu örnekten sonra 6 tane daha örnek paylaşacağım. Metinde herhangi bir sorun yaşarsanız yorumlar sekmesinden sorununuzu yazabilirsiniz, iyi okumalar.

İngilizce günlük örnekleri


Hello, Dear Diary ;

    I wrote you about yesterday. Yesterday was Thursday and it was 25th March. This is the first day of my diary about past tense. I usually woke up at 7:00 am but i was late to wake up yesterday. Because i was sick yesterday. Then i got up from my bed and i went to the bathroom. I washed my hands, face and i brushed my teeth. After that i wanted to have breakfast, so i prepared breakfast with my mother. Then we had breakfast together at 9:00 am. I ate some fries and i drank two cups of tea. I used my computer to watch the lost series. I watched the first part of Lost series’s the season 6. It was excellent. Then my friend called me and he invited me to work in the village. I worked for 2 hours with my friends for his garden. We had lunch there at 12:00 pm. I tried new foods in my friend’s house. He asked questions to me like did you like the foods. And i thanked him and his family. After that, i needed a car to come back to the city. So my friend helped me for this issue.Because he was supposed to see to a doctor. I remembered me and my friend’s memories when we went to the way.


   I and my friend lived together in the village before we moved to the city. We usually played football in the village. We were eager to play football because we believed to we will be football players in the future. But our lifes changed us. We continued to live. I came back to house at 2:00 pm. I appeared to my mother after i stayed in my room for an hour and considered about my future life. Then i opened the door of my room and got out from the house. I walked in the park for 30 minutes. Someone followed me but i didn’t know her. Then i created an idea and stopped to in the park. She came and offered me to go with her but i didn’t go with her because i would die if i went with her. I didn’t remember her but she remembered me. I came back to the house at 6:00 pm. I had shower and i prepared dinner at 7:00 pm. I served the dinner for my mother and i included special foods for this dinner. After that i read a book for an hour. The name of the book was “Miço Diye Biri”. I finished to read the book at 8:30 pm. Then I played computer games for an hour. After that i studied on Duolingo, Cake and Voscreen for 40 minutes. It was time of sleep for me at 10:30 pm. I  went to the bathroom and i brushed my teeth after i went to my bed. I was tired, so i slept very well. See you later, good night.

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